Strategic Plan Management

Strategic Plan Management 2017-02-27T20:16:16-05:00

We specialize in helping you make your existing plans more adaptable to today’s changing environment, as well as making them more accountable, measurable and impactful. We do this by developing formalized action plans to better implement priorities and related strategies. We also assist in developing frameworks to reassess or revise your existing plans.

The following are examples of our work in Strategic Plan Management:

  • Involved with and in some cases led numerous government compliance-driven strategic plan development and implementation efforts with the city of Hartford and Capital Workforce Partners. These plans included: US HUD Consolidated Plan, US Commerce EDA Comprehensive Economic Development Plan, and US DOL WIA and WIOA Strategic Plans. The goal was always to create “living” and “adaptable” plans that included stakeholder participation and ownership. It was also critical to have a system to track measurable outcomes and revise the priorities and metrics as necessary on an ongoing basis.
  • Also involved with other strategic planning efforts for boards or ad hoc committees I served on such as: Hartford Economic Development Corporation, Junior Achievement of Southwest New England, Metro Hartford Alliance, Hartford Foundation for Public Giving and North Central Connecticut Adult Literacy Partnership